
Discussion: Development of R-CNN and YOLO Object Detectors

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The R-CNN series

Three models: R-CNN, Fast R-CNN and Faster R-CNN


  1. Selective search for region proposal
  2. CNN encoder for region-wise feature extraction
  3. SVM for feature (resized) classification
  4. NN for box regression

Fast R-CNN (based on R-CNN):

  1. feature-wise -> global feature extraction
  2. ROI pooling: feature (resized) -> (ROI pooled) classification
  3. joint training: CNN encoder & SVM & NN -> CNN for detection

Faster R-CNN (based on Fast R-CNN):

  1. selective search -> region proposal network (RPN) for region proposal
  2. feature extraction and RPN share the weights of the CNN encoder

The YOLO series

Three models: YOLO v1-3

YOLO v1:

  1. images divided into $n\times n$ grids, corresponding to $n\times n$ objects
  2. end-to-end training, outputting $n\times n$ vectors recording all attributes of every box

YOLO v2 (based on YOLO v1):

  1. FC layers removed
  2. anchor boxes (reference) introduced
  3. K-means for anchor box generation
  4. each grid corresponding to multiple boxes with multiple scales

YOLO v3 (based on YOLO v2):

  1. division of positive and negative boxes
  2. cross entropy -> binary cross entropy loss






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